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ANBI-status in The Netherlands
Does your organization have an ANBI-status or do you want to apply for a Dutch ANBI-status for the institution you are working for? This article will explain what fiscal benefits an ANBI can be entitled to and what conditions you will need to meet to apply for an ANBI-status.
Voluntary disclosure regulation eased until the 1st of July 2014
Eased Voluntary disclosure regulation Tax evaders can use the eased voluntary tax regulation until the 1st of July 2014. Those who reports themselves in time at the tax authorities do not need to pay a fine.
The Netherlands a pass-through country
At present The Netherlands is commonly known as a tax haven. The Centraal Plan Bureau (CPB) however, labels The Netherlands as a pass-through country. Why is Holland fiscally so appealing?
CPB over Self-employed tax deduction: leads to lower entrepreneurial growth
The Centraal Plan Bureau (CPB) has voiced criticism on the self-employed tax deduction in its current form. In the CPB Policy letter, the CPB has investigated both the self-employed tax deduction and the SME-profit exemption for economic justification.
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