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The foundation: founding and (fiscal) organization in The Netherlands
But what is a foundation exactly? How do you establish a foundation in The Netherlands? What rights and duties do you have? What fiscal advantages and disadvantages does the Dutch legislation entail? This article will answer the most important questions.
ANBI-status in The Netherlands
Does your organization have an ANBI-status or do you want to apply for a Dutch ANBI-status for the institution you are working for? This article will explain what fiscal benefits an ANBI can be entitled to and what conditions you will need to meet to apply for an ANBI-status.
Wbtr: New rules for foundations and associations as of July 1st, 2021
Op 1 juli 2021 treden er aanvullingen op de Wet bestuur en toezicht rechtspersonen (Wbtr) in werking. Hiermee worden de regels voor het bestuur en toezicht van stichtingen en verenigingen gelijk getrokken met die van nv’s en bv’s.De wijzigingen in de Wbtr hebben tot gevolg dat er strengere regels...
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