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ANBI Policy plan
Does your organisation already have ANBI status, or do you want to apply for an (ANBI) registration? Then you are (amongst other things) obliged to have an up-to-date policy plan. Put simply, your plan should state your organizations mission, and outline how it aims to achieve its goals.
ANBI status for foreign organisations
ANBI status (in English: Public Benefit Organisation, or PBO-status) is a Dutch quality mark for charities. Donations to organisations that are classified as ANBI are subject to fiscally attractive schemes. For example, a donation to an ANBI registered institution is often tax deductible. Although...
ANBI publication obligation
If your organization has an ANBI status, this provides a number of interesting tax benefits. Just obtaining an ANBI registration is not enough to keep these benefits. To do so, you must comply with a publication obligation. At least once a year, you must put up-to-date information about the charity...
ANBI-status in The Netherlands
Does your organization have an ANBI-status or do you want to apply for a Dutch ANBI-status for the institution you are working for? This article will explain what fiscal benefits an ANBI can be entitled to and what conditions you will need to meet to apply for an ANBI-status.
The foundation: founding and (fiscal) organization in The Netherlands
But what is a foundation exactly? How do you establish a foundation in The Netherlands? What rights and duties do you have? What fiscal advantages and disadvantages does the Dutch legislation entail? This article will answer the most important questions.
Closing a foundation? Check the arrangements this requires
Closing a foundation? Check the arrangements this requires.
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