ANBI Policy plan
Does your organisation already have ANBI status, or do you want to apply for an ANBI registration? Then you are (amongst other things) obliged to have an up-to-date policy plan. Put simply, your plan should state your organisation's mission, and outline how it aims to achieve its goals.
Publishing Obligation
If your organisation has ANBI status, this provides a number of interesting tax benefits. To obtain ANBI status, you must meet a number of conditions. Having an up-to-date policy plan is one of those conditions. this must be included with your ANBI application. In addition, it is recommended that you publish the policy plan on your website. Much of the information that you have to put online according to the ANBI publication obligation (such as objectives and activities) is included in the policy plan.
ANBI policy plan: roadmap to your ideals
A good policy plan is much more than a means of demonstrating your organisation's eligibility for ANBI status. It's also a roadmap that guides your operations and gives a clear direction towards your intended goals. There are three mandatory themes that you must discuss in the policy plan. In doing so, you can outline additional components and supporting strategies.
Mandatory information
An ANBI-proof policy plan must include these three pillars:
- Objective: what does the organisation want to achieve?
- Activities to be carried out by the institution
- Finances
- The method of income generation: how do you intend to provide financial resources to carry out your activities?
- The management and use of the institution's assets: explain how the organisation will manage the income it has acquired and how the (financial) resources raised will be spent.
Make sure that these three aspects are in allignment with one another. Consistency is key!
Optional data
You can fill in and shape the policy plan as you deem appropriate for your organisation. Your policy plan is a great way of outlining the mission and vision of the organisation, the expected impact, target groups and strategies for scaling up. In this way, you can create a representative document in which your ideals are made explicit for your supporters, potential partners and other stakeholders. You can choose to include further information that increase your transparency towards sympathizers and donors, such as: the RSIN or tax number, chamber of commerce number, contact details, the team and directors behind the organisation, et cetera.
Getting Started
Evolupa helps charities with their application for and retention of ANBI status. For example, we have created a standard template for a policy plan. This allows you to turn the sometimes difficult work of writing policy into a fill-in-the-blank exercise. It is clearly indicated in the template which questions are mandatory and which are optional.
Do you have any questions? Please let us know!