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ANBI Policy plan
Does your organisation already have ANBI status, or do you want to apply for an (ANBI) registration? Then you are (amongst other things) obliged to have an up-to-date policy plan. Put simply, your plan should state your organizations mission, and outline how it aims to achieve its goals.
ANBI status for foreign organisations
ANBI status (in English: Public Benefit Organisation, or PBO-status) is a Dutch quality mark for charities. Donations to organisations that are classified as ANBI are subject to fiscally attractive schemes. For example, a donation to an ANBI registered institution is often tax deductible. Although...
The foundation: founding and (fiscal) organization in The Netherlands
But what is a foundation exactly? How do you establish a foundation in The Netherlands? What rights and duties do you have? What fiscal advantages and disadvantages does the Dutch legislation entail? This article will answer the most important questions.
Wbtr: New rules for foundations and associations as of July 1st, 2021
Op 1 juli 2021 treden er aanvullingen op de Wet bestuur en toezicht rechtspersonen (Wbtr) in werking. Hiermee worden de regels voor het bestuur en toezicht van stichtingen en verenigingen gelijk getrokken met die van nv’s en bv’s.De wijzigingen in de Wbtr hebben tot gevolg dat er strengere regels...
Governance Code Culture (GCC)
In 2006 a Governance code culture was created for the cultural sector. The purpose? Offering a normative framework for proper management and supervision in cultural organization*. The role of the code has increased in the last few years and is therefore much more important in management. The most...
Succession in the family business
Entrepreneurs often do not arrange the succession in their family business properly. A good preparation is necessary to avoid arguments and misunderstandings and it ensures the continuation of the enterprise.
Proper management: true separation of functions (Administrative Organisation) for small organisation
According to work group Governance code culture the management is responsible for the financial policy and risk management, which is achieved through solid internal procedures and external reporting. Although everyone agrees that the separation of functions is important, there are several...
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